代表性论文:(*为通讯作者) 1.高蕊,林海英. 肿瘤特异性嵌合抗原受体EGFRv Ⅲ-CAR的构建及体外活性分析. 中国生物化学与分子生物学报. 2018,2:221-228. 2、Haiying Lin, Yonghui Peng, ZiLin Lin, Shuangling Zhang, Yanghao Guo. Development of a conjugate vaccine against invasive pneumococcal disease based on capsular polysaccharides coupled with PspA/family 1 protein of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Microbial Pathogenesis, Volumes 83–84, June–July 2015, Pages 35-40. 3、林海英,彭永辉,张双玲,罗春华,郑美云,吕唯, 詹杜清. 肺炎链球菌表面蛋白 A 的家族Ⅰ不同支系融合蛋白的制备及免疫原性研究. 中华微生物学和免疫学杂志. 2015, (5). 4.林海英,马振宁,郑允权,郭养浩, 唐凤翔. 基于单克隆抗体的多元弧菌流式细胞术检测技术的研究. 微生物学通报,2012.8. 5. 林海英,马振宁,郑允权,郭养浩, 唐凤翔. 弧菌广谱性外膜蛋白抗原筛选及其单抗的交叉免疫原性研究. 亚星游戏登录学报,2012.7. 6.Haiying Lin, Zilin Lin, Chun Meng, Yanghao Guo. Preparation and immunogenicity of capsular polysaccharide–surface adhesin A (PsaA) conjugate of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Immunobiology. 2010, 215:545-550. 7. 林海英,孟春,林子琳,郭养浩,肺炎链球菌外膜蛋白PspA和PsaA的免疫原性比较,中华微生物学和免疫学杂志,2010,30(8):712-716。 8.Haiying Lin, Zilin Lin, Yuanyuan Wang, Yanghao Guo. Expression and immunogenicity of PspA family 1 of Streptococcus pneumoniae 6B. Journal of Biotechnology. 2008,136S |