

College of Biological Science and Engineering


发布日期:2022-02-25 发布者:








1. 2021 – 至今:  亚星游戏登录 副教授 / 福建省C类人才

2. 2020 – 2021        亚星游戏登录 讲师

3. 2016 – 2020        华侨大学 讲师

4. 2011 – 2016        浙江大学 微生物学博士

5. 2007 – 2011        福建师范大学 生物技术学士


1. 本科生课程:生物化学、生物化学实验、细胞生物学实验、遗传学等

2. 研究生课程:酶工程及其应用

3. 校通识教育:人类健康与现代医学

4. 主持亚星游戏登录课程思政示范课程建设项目《生物化学》

5. 主持亚星游戏登录开放探索性实验项目《酶理性优化工程实验》


1. 高效酶的分子改造及其产业化运用;

2. 基于基因组、转录组、代谢组等多组学技术开展微生物的应用性探索与研究;

3. 昆虫病源真菌的基因功能及调控机理研究;


1. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目:Sur7介导多代谢通路影响球孢白僵菌生防潜能的机制研究,2021–2024年,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:多组学联合解析BbRho4调控球孢白僵菌生长及抗氧化力的分子机制, 2021–2024年,参与


1. Zhang LB*, Yang WWJ, Yang ZH, Guan Y*. (2024) N-acetylglucosamine kinase (BbHxk1) has pleiotropic effects on vegetative growth, cell wall integrity, morphological transition, cuticle infection, and metabolic modulation in the biological pesticide Beauveria bassiana. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 203: 106015.

2. Zhang LB*, Qiu XG, Qiu TT, Meng C*. (2024) A complex metabolic network and its biomarkers regulating laccase production in white-rot fungus Cerrena unicolor 87613. Microbial Cell Factories. 23(1): 167.

3. Zhang LB*, Yang ZH, Yang WWJ, Guan Y*. (2024) A novel fungal sensor (Ngs1) of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) mediates the fungal response to GlcNAc in the interaction between entomopathogenic Beauveria bassiana and insect host. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 207: 108206.

4. Zhang LB*, Qiu TT, Qiu XG, Yang WWJ, Ye XY*, Meng C*. (2024) Transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis unveil a negative effect of glutathione metabolism on laccase activity in Cerrena unicolor 87613. Microbiology Spectrum. 12(2): e0340523.

5. Zhou ZY, Chen XN, Weng XJ, Guo YH, Guan Y*, Zhang LB*. (2024) Rho4 interacts with BbGDI and is essential for the biocontrol potential of Beauveria bassiana by maintaining intracellular redox homeostasis. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 205: 106145.

6. Guan Y*, He HM, Gou YH, Zhang LB*. (2024) Essential roles of Rad6 in conidial property, stress tolerance, and pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana. Virulence. 15(1): 2362748.

7. Guo YH, He Haomin, Guan Yi*, Zhang LB*. (2024) Rad6 regulates conidiation by affecting the biotin metabolism in Beauveria bassiana. Journal of Fungi. 10(9): 613.

8. Zhang LB*, Yang WWJ, Qiu TT. (2023) Genome-wide study of Cerrena unicolor 87613 laccase gene family and their mode prediction in association with substrate oxidation. BMC Genomics. 24(1): 504.

9. Zhang LB*, Deng ZQ, Qiu TT, Yang WWJ, Zhu F, Ye XY. (2023) Characterisation of a laccase isolated from Trametes hirsuta and its application in the oligomerisation of phenolic compounds. Fungal Biology. 127(1–2): 872–880.

10. Zhang LB*, Qiu TT, Yang WWJ. (2022) Bioinformatic analysis reveals the distinct role of 5’UTR-specific m6A RNA modification in mice developing cerebral cortices. Developmental Neuroscience. 44(2): 67–79.

11. Guan Y*, Wang DH, Lin XF, Li X, Lv C, Wang DY, Zhang LB*. (2022) Unveiling a novel role of Cdc42 in pyruvate metabolism pathway to mediate insecticidal activity of Beauveria bassiana. Journal of Fungi. 8(4): 394.


1. 亚星游戏登录2021年教师教学创新大赛 一等奖;

2. 亚星游戏登录2022“最美教学板书” 二等奖;

3. 亚星游戏登录第二十四届青年教师“最佳一节课”教学竞赛  二等奖;

4. 亚星游戏登录2022-2023学年教学优秀奖 三等奖;

6. 亚星游戏登录2021-2022年度工会积极分子;

7. 亚星游戏登录生物科学与工程学院青年教师“最佳一节课” - 一等奖、二等奖;
