

College of Biological Science and Engineering


发布日期:2023-04-10 发布者:

















主要从事生物医用材料研究领域的工作,研究涉及多功能水凝胶、创面修复、抗菌材料、肿瘤靶向/免疫治疗、微纳米控/缓释载体等。目前主持多项课题,Carbohydrate Polymers,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Journal of Controlled Release,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules和Journal of Materials Chemistry B等期刊上发表SCI收录的论文30余篇;以第一发明人获得国家知识产权局授权发明专利4项。


社会兼职:担任Advanced Functional Material,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Journal of Materials Chemistry B,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules等国际学术期刊审稿人


1. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,多功能抗菌水凝胶调控炎性趋化因子协同LT-PTT促进糖尿病足修复,主持。

2. 福建省卫健委科技计划中青年骨干人才培养项目,构建tLyp1和HA修饰的石墨烯复合纳米载药体系用于肝癌光/化疗研究,主持。

3. 上海智行环保科技有限公司横向课题,用于水处理的多糖基水凝胶的制备,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,构筑细菌微环境响应性自愈合水凝胶多重促进糖尿病足创面修复研究,主持。

5. 中国农业科学院生物技术研究所横向课题,用于基因递送的水凝胶载体材料的制备,主持。

6. 天津大学-亚星游戏登录自主创新基金,细菌微环境响应性自愈合水凝胶的制备及其促进糖尿病足创面修复机制研究,主持。

7. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,多糖基原位凝胶的绿色制备及其用于顺铂控释给药系统的研究,主持。

8. 天津市生物医学材料重点实验室开放课题,生物可降解纳米复合材料作为顺铂药物载体研究,主持。

9. 亚星游戏登录校人才基金项目,生物可降解纳米复合材料作为顺铂药物载体的研究,主持。


1. Li Chen, Jinlan Luo, Jingyuan Zhang, Siyuan Wang, Yang Sun, Qinying Liu*, Cui Cheng*. Dual targeted nanoparticles for the codelivery of doxorubicin and siRNA cocktails to overcome ovarian cancer stem cells. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(14), 11575.

2. Yuan Zhang, Wenjuan Chen, Wenjing Feng, Wenhong Fang, Xiao Han*, Cui Cheng*. Multifunctional chondroitin sulfate based hydrogels for promoting infected diabetic wounds healing by chemo-photothermal antibacterial and cytokine modulation. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2023, 314, 120937.

3. Cui Cheng, Haowei Zhong, Yuan Zhang, Xiaoran Gao, Jianmin Wang*, Jingfeng Liu*, Xiao Han*. Bacterial responsive hydrogels based on quaternized chitosan and GQDs-ε-PL for chemo-photothermal synergistic anti-infection in diabetic wounds. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 210, 377–393.

4. Shujin Lin#, Chun Liu#*, Xiao Han*, Haowei Zhong, Cui Cheng*.Viral Nanoparticle System: An Effective Platform for Photodynamic Therapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22(4): 1728.

5. Haowei Zhong#,  Xiaoran Gao#, Cui Cheng*, Chun Liu, Qiaowen Wang and Xiao Han*, The Structural Characteristics of Seaweed Polysaccharides and Their Application in Gel Drug Delivery Systems, Marine Drugs, 2020, 18(12), 658.

6. Shengcan Guan#, Ya Li#, Cui Cheng*, Xiaoran Gao, Xiaofeng Gu, Xiao Han*, Hanhui Ye*. Manufacture of pH- and HAase- responsive hydrogels with on-demand and continuous antibacterial activity for full-thickness wound healing. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 164, 2418-2431.

7. Li Chen, Wang, Siyuan Wang, Qinying Liu*, Zhihong Zhang, Shaofeng Lin, Qiuhong Zheng, Miaomiao Cheng, Yuying Li, Cui Cheng*. Reduction sensitive nanocarriers mPEG-g-γ-PGA/SSBPEI@siRNA for effective targeted delivery of survivin siRNA against NSCLC. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2020, 193:111105. (if=4.389)

8. Cui Cheng, Zhihong Zhang, Siyuan Wang, Li Chen*, Qinying Liu*. Reduction sensitive CC9-PEG-SSBPEI/miR-148b nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, targeting delivery and application for anti-metastasis. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2019: 110412.

9. Cui Cheng#*, Yabin Meng#, Zhihong Zhang, Ya Li, Qiqing Zhang*. Tumoral acidic pH-responsive cis-diaminodichloroplatinum-incorporated Cy5.5-PEG-g-A-HA nanoparticles for targeting delivery of CDDP against cervical cancer. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2018, 10 (32), 26882-26892.

10. Cui Cheng#*, Yabin Meng#, Zhihong Zhang, Ya Li, Chun Liu, Qiqing Zhang*, pH responsible and fluorescent Cy5.5-PEG-g-A-HA/CDDP complex nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, and application for targeted drug delivery, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine: 2019, 30 (6): 58.    

11. Cui Cheng#*, Xiuli Zhang#, Yabin Meng, Li Chen, Qiqing Zhang*. Development of a dual drug-loaded hydrogel delivery system for enhanced cancer therapy: in situ formation, degradation and synergistic antitumor efficiency. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017, 5, 8487-8497.

12. Cui Cheng#*, Xiuli Zhang#, Yabin Meng, Zhihong Zhang, Jingdi Chen, Qiqing Zhang* Multiresponsive and biocompatible self-healing hydrogel: its facile synthesis in water, characterization and properties. Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 3003-3012.

13. Cui Cheng, Xiuli Zhang, Yabin Meng, Qiqing Zhang*, In situ forming polysaccharide based self-healing hydrogels for controlled release of cisplatin, Journal of Controlled Release, 2017, 259, e21-e22

14. Cui Cheng#*, Dandan Xia#, Xiuli Zhang, Li Chen, Qiqing Zhang*. Biocompatible poly (N-isopropylacrylamide)-g-carboxymethyl chitosan hydrogels as carriers for sustained release of cisplatin, Journal of Materials Science, 2015, 50(14): 4914-4925.


1. 程翠, 王思远, 陈立, 刘沁颖, 还原性聚谷氨酸/聚乙烯亚胺/siRNA复合纳米粒及制备与应用, 2023.03.15, 中国, CN201911392627.5.

2. 程翠, 张秀丽, 游力军, 王家斌, 张其清, 一种双重载药的自愈合水凝胶体系及其制备方法, 2020.05.08, 中国, CN201710205888.6.

3. 程翠, 张秀丽, 孟亚彬, 章志鸿, 陈景帝, 张其清, 一种基于昆布多糖的纳米凝胶及其制备方法, 2019.01.22, 中国, CN201611121295.3.

4. 程翠, 夏丹丹, 张秀丽, 陈立, 张其清, 一种负载铂类药物的水凝胶体系及其制备方法, 2017.8.25, 中国, CN201510034796.7.




